Divorce & Family Law Posts

Child support: Should I get an adjustment?

My children's mother recently received a big promotion and raise at her work. Can I get an adjustment to the child support I pay? Read More »

Realistic expectations key for marriage ... and divorce

Believe it or not, marriage and divorce have a lot in common. While anticipating either, we tend to view them as panaceas. But in both cases, they rarely (if ever) are, and you’ll survive either one much better if you enter with realistic expectations. With that in mind, here’s what you can and cannot expect a divorce to do. Read More »

Should you say I do to the prenup? (QUIZ)

Do you really need a prenuptial agreement? If you’re in Wisconsin, this quiz will help you decide. Read More »

Child support: do I have to keep paying even though I lost my job?

I recently lost my job. Do I have to keep paying child support? Read More »

Four tips for timing your divorce

There’s a lot that should go into timing decisions—considerations that can make a big difference in the outcome. Read More »

More COVID-19 legal questions and answers

Answers to legal-related COVID-19 FAQs. As the coronavirus situation continues to evolve, we're seeing questions in a number of legal areas Read More »

Marital debt: do I have to pay my ex-husband's bills?

Wisconsin is a marital property state, meaning you may be liable. Read More »

Recent and pending divorces: a tax filing primer

For people who divorced last year or who are in the midst of divorcing now, taxes are yet another of the many details to be negotiated. Read More »

Divorce: what does administrative dismissal mean?

In family courts in this region (southwestern Wisconsin), cases are dismissed for two reasons. Read More »

Judge Judy versus small claims court: a battle for the real people's court

Our top six comparisons between Judge Judy and the real deal, better known to us as small claims court. Read More »