Divorce & Family Law Posts

Substance use disorder affects child custody and visitation decisions

Divorces where one partner misuses drugs or alcohol can be especially complicated when child custody and placement decisions are involved. Read More »

5 classic divorce mistakes to avoid

Sadly, happily-ever-after does not always happen, a reason many couples find themselves in court to dissolve what once appeared to be so promising. Read More »

Is it legal to spy on your spouse?

Spouses may spy to see if their partners are cheating, spending time with undesirable friends, drinking, gambling or otherwise behaving badly. But is it legal? Read More »

Visitation: how can I see my son?

My former girlfriend has full custody of our son & doesn’t want to give me visitation rights. I’m paying child support & want to see my son, what can I do? Read More »

Curfew Laws: Why you need to know where your child is

Curfew laws are ostensibly designed to prevent crime, though there’s no definitive research to demonstrate that they do so. Read More »

What is the Guardian Ad Litem going to ask me when I meet with them?

In Wisconsin, the Guardian Ad Litem will be a court-appointed attorney to represent your children’s best interests. Read More »

How old does a child have to be to choose which parent to live with?

Custody and placement laws vary from state to state, so understanding Wisconsin law and how it may impact your family is key. Read More »

How to find hidden bank accounts in divorce

According to the National Endowment for Financial Education, hidden assets exist in two-thirds of all marriages. Read More »

In divorce and family law, Fido counts too

Some states now are enacting legislation to recognize pets as beings with feelings and emotions, and with that, family law is changing. Read More »

Four considerations for people Googling "divorce" during the holidays

Google searches for the word “divorce” show a decrease in the weeks leading up to Christmas & an increase the 10 days after. If you are contributing to these Google searches you may find these tips helpful Read More »