Divorce & Family Law Posts

Legal Literacy: How well do you know your legal rights? (Quiz)

Explore various facets of the law as it applies in daily life and perhaps reveal some surprising legal insights. Read More »

Love and legalese: Crafting a prenup that protects your future

A prenuptial agreement does more than just protect assets; it sets clear expectations and boundaries that can help strengthen your partnership from the start. Read More »

When is my child old enough to stay home alone?

When is my child old enough to stay home alone? As the school year comes to a close many parents question when they can leave their children home alone Read More »

Primary Custody, Shared Custody and Split Custody

When parents decide to share the custody of their children, there are differing ways to approach an arrangement, among them, primary, shared, or split custody.  Read More »

Teens and Alcohol: The party's at our house

We’re hosting a graduation party at home for our son and a few of his friends. Can we serve teens alcohol as long as we’re supervising? Read More »

Getting engaged: legal considerations lack romance

Valentine's Day isn't just all about love and chocolate. If it includes a marriage proposal, it can also be about oral contracts and conditional gifts. Read More »

Infographic offers divorce prep checklist

Information is power, and when it comes to divorce, Johns, Flaherty & Collins wants you to know what you can expect and the decisions that await. Read More »

Insider's Guide to Divorce

Researchers rank divorce as the second most stressful life event, second only to death of a spouse. Download this booklet full of insider knowledge and tips to help you move through divorce. Read More »

Alternative dispute resolution can save time and money

Considered cost-effective, fast, flexible and fair, ADR is the most popular method for resolving disputes in this region. Read More »

Grandparents (sometimes) have legal right to visit grandchildren

Grandparents often lament not seeing their grandchildren as often as they’d like. Read More »