Law Exchange Newsletter

Johns, Flaherty & Collins Newsletter

The Law Exchange is a quarterly newsletter published by Johns, Flaherty & Collins to inform clients and colleagues of legal trends and topical issues. In it you'll find stories about a variety of subjects, including everything from business and estate planning to personal injury and family law.

Subscriptions to The Law Exchange are free of charge and are available online or via regular mail. To subscribe, please use the link below or call Johns, Flaherty & Collins at 608-784-5678.

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  • Winter 2019 — Questions for your divorce attorney, workers' compenationsation for mental illness, estate planning myths
  • Fall 2018 — Realistic ways to avoid drunken driving, disagreement over child's religion, Wisconsin truancy law
  • Summer 2018 — Photo releases, dog bites, baby bathrub photos
  • Spring 2018 — Wills vs trusts, age discrimination, security deposits
  • Winter 2018 — Step-by-step guide to divorce, estate planning without an attorney, protecting client information from data breaches
  • Fall 2017 — Unemployment benefits under scrutiny, restraining orders, preparing executors, annual employment seminar
  • Summer 2017 — Timeshare property pitfalls, concealed weapons in private business, crowdfunding law opens doors to equity and potential legal issues
  • Spring 2017 — Employee evaluations, class-action lawsuits and estate planning during and after divorce
  • Winter 2017 — New Year resolutions for business, digital estate planning, common mistakes when dividing property
  • Fall 2016 — Estate planning at different stages of life, how pain and suffering is defined, expungement
  • Summer 2016 — Starting a business, the power of mediation, Wisconsin cell phone driving laws
  • Spring 2016 — Social media policies affecting employees, we're hosting the graduation party, condos have their own rules
  • Winter 2016 — Parenting agreements, when to review wills and other estate plans, changing rules for independent contractors
  • Fall 2015 — Common hiring and firing mistakes, car crash lawsuit, estate planning for parents, housing fund helps homeless kids
  • Summer 2015 — Buying or selling a house, social media impostors, why so many phone calls when on the do-not-call list, The Growing Place, Extra Effort Awards
  • Spring 2015 — Personal injury cases come down to negligence, obesity and the ADA, when guardianships are needed, paralegal prowess
  • Winter 2015 — Work-at-home agreements, protecting your online content, thousands of reasons to purchase "underinsured insurance"