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Child Custody and Placement - Who Wins?

My husband and I are divorcing, and we both want sole custody of our only child. We aren’t able to resolve this ourselves, and it will probably end up in court. Since I’m the mother, isn’t it most likely I’ll win? Read More »

Four Tips for Protecting Your Privacy on Smart Phones

While enlightening, the Wall Street Journal’s report last month exposing how some smart phone applications track users was also disappointing. Read More »

Franchises: What to watch (out) for

When you consider that franchises annually generate two trillion dollars worldwide and account for 50 percent of all retail sales in the United States, it’s no wonder many entrepreneurs engage in this form of business ownership. Read More »

Think ahead before you post - what you post may be used against you

That photo you posted on Facebook of yourself dancing in the bar a week after an injury that supposedly left you permanently disabled? Not a good idea. Read More »

Get the slip on 'slip and fall' accident liability

We live in Wisconsin or Minnesota, where we share a joke: we have six months of winter and six months of construction. Both can present opportunities for falls that are best prevented. Read More »

Steps when you are stopped by police after drinking and driving

When you see the flashing police lights behind you and you've been drinking, what should you do?     Read More »

Intellectual Property and the Internet: What to know before you post

When the Internet first began to shape popular culture, few could have anticipated the impact it would have on commerce, education and even social relationships Read More »

Business valuations important for many reasons

Many business owners work day in and day out to build value in their companies, but few know the actual value of their enterprise. Read More »

Collecting child support from out-of-state parents

When a divorced parent decides to move out-of-state, child support payments rank along with custody and visitation at the top of concerns--especially for the parent receiving the child support payment. Read More »

Heed embezzlement warning signs

 It's an unfortunate reality that employers need to vigilantly safeguard their assets from those they must trust the most: their own employees. Read More »

Selling Your Business: Should You or Shouldn't You?

A time comes in every business life cycle when an owner considers selling his or her company. Read More »

Libel and Slander: Do blogs count?

If you think blogs are out of control during elections, you are not alone. Read More »

Identity Theft: Consumers are own best weapon

Identity theft is one of the most common crimes in the country, affecting approximately 9-10 million Americans each year. Read More »

Protect Your Credit Rating

The first step in protecting your credit rating is understanding how creditors decide whether to lend you money or what interest rate to charge you. Read More »

Divorcing couples means dividing property

Estimates suggest that more than 2,500 couples divorce each day in the United States.  Read More »