Business & Corporate Law Posts

Should you worry about online reviews?

A customer writes a negative online review about your restaurant.  Read More »

Be mindful of the law when blogging for business

More and more businesses today are discovering the benefits of blogging.  Read More »

Bloggers beware: what you post may not be legal

When blogging was introduced to the masses around 1999, few people realized its potential to turn stay-at-home moms into bread winners or secretaries into best-selling authors. Read More »

Small claims court a good solution for businesses

If you own a business, chances are you’ve encountered at least a couple disputes with customers or other businesses. Read More »

Simple steps to select a lawyer for your business

Whatever your status as a business owner — prospective, new or established — you’re better off having a relationship with a business lawyer. Read More »

Licensing agreements can hold keys to expansion

Most people have a basic understanding of franchises. Read More »

Unmarried couples: consider challenges when buying property together

From young adults to seniors, unmarried people often buy property together. Read More »

New case law illustrates importance of reviewing nonprofit bylaws

Nonprofit corporations create bylaws when they are established, but two recent legal cases affirm that creating bylaws is not enough. Read More »

Naming your business: four steps to legally protect your business name

Opening a business is a big undertaking. Read More »

501(c)(3) status: what it takes to become tax-exempt

The 7 Rivers Region has a rich tradition of philanthropy. Read More »