Divorce & Family Law Posts

Cooperation key to child placement during the holidays

Holidays can be tricky when you have extended family. Read More »

Adoption: nearly always a happy story

Adoptions come in many forms—domestic and international—and here in the U.S. require voluntary or involuntary termination of parental rights. Read More »

Facebook posts can cost you time with your child

It seems we just can’t say it enough: be careful what you post on Facebook. Read More »

Parents and underage drinking: what you need to know

If you have a teenager, chances are you’re gearing up for prom and graduation season. Read More »

Broken engagement: who keeps the ring?

It’s wedding season again. Read More »

Child placement: when can child decide?

In the state of Wisconsin, what age does a child need to be to determine with which parent he or she lives full time? Read More »

Commonly missed tax deductions

The search for tax deductions is a year-round effort, and it's a search that often includes oversights. Read More »

Child Custody and Placement - Who Wins?

My husband and I are divorcing, and we both want sole custody of our only child. We aren’t able to resolve this ourselves, and it will probably end up in court. Since I’m the mother, isn’t it most likely I’ll win? Read More »

Collecting child support from out-of-state parents

When a divorced parent decides to move out-of-state, child support payments rank along with custody and visitation at the top of concerns--especially for the parent receiving the child support payment. Read More »

Divorcing couples means dividing property

Estimates suggest that more than 2,500 couples divorce each day in the United States.  Read More »