Divorce & Family Law Posts

Renegotiating child placement: stay focused on the children

When parents divorce, lawyers will very likely advise them on developing a child placement schedule. Read More »

Wisconsin law on bullying limited

With increasing reports of bullying today, it is natural for parents to worry. Research has shown how bullying can lead to emotional scars, even suicide. Read More »

Five reasons DIY should stand for DON'T do it yourself when it comes to divorce

In today's do-it-yourself mentality, fueled by easier access to how-to information than ever before, it's not uncommon for consumers to take on more tasks themselves. Read More »

Should you take your spouse's name?

Nearly 30,000 Wisconsin brides each year must decide whether to change their names when they marry. Among those, roughly 60 to 80 percent do take their husbands’ last names. Read More »

Flying solo: when your children travel without you

My children are flying out west this summer to spend a week with my sister. What documents should I send with them for just-in-case incidents?   Read More »

Top three legal tips for destination weddings

June remains the most popular month for weddings, and a surprising number of those weddings — one in four — will be destination weddings where the nuptials take place at least 100 miles from the bride’s home. Read More »

Conscious Uncoupling: a new spin on Collaborative Divorce?

Couples employing collaborative divorce find there’s less fear and anxiety since there’s no threat of going to court. Read More »

Taxes in Maintenance

Tax implications should be considered in divorce settlements, according to attorney Sonja Davig. Read More »

Combating myths of maintenance after divorce

Once upon a time in America, men were the breadwinners and women sacrificed careers to raise the kids. Thus, women often received alimony after a divorce. Read More »

What to do when a spouse racks up debt

Research shows that financial disagreements are the leading causes of divorce so it is no surprise they are the hardest issues to resolve when the marriage ends Read More »