Divorce & Family Law Posts

Q & A: Can I suspend child support during summer placement?

As a non-custodial parent, you may wonder if you need to pay child support during the summer, especially if your child is staying with you during their vacation Read More »

Four things you need to know about cohabitation contracts

More than ever, couples are choosing cohabitation over marriage. If you and your partner are living together and want to maintain the simplicity you sought in the first place, you may want to consider a cohabitation contract.     Read More »

The benefits of a parenting agreement

Over the course of his practice, attorney Brian Weber has seen the importance of creating parenting agreements for children after a divorce.  Read More »

Top four spousal support questions

It used to be that women stayed home to care for the house and children while men went out and earned the paycheck. Clearly, times have changed, and two-income households are more the norm for married couples. It’s one area where the law has kept pace with society’s changing demographics, and in more and more cases, maintenance (formerly known as alimony) today looks very different than it did even 30 years ago. Read More »

Six legal questions to ask before you get married

A lot of factors go into deciding whether to marry. In addition to love, lifelong commitment and companionship, you’re wise to also consider the practical side—including the legal aspects of a prospective tied knot. When it comes to legal questions, here are the top six you need to ask before you say "I do."  Read More »

Divorce: who gets the dog?

It’s a question so common there’s a romantic comedy about it. Unfortunately when the question ‘who gets the dog’ arises in real life, there’s very little comedic about it Read More »

Underage drinking could cost parents

If you have a teenager, chances are you’re gearing up for prom and graduation season.  But if alcohol becomes part of those special events, both you and your teen stand to get in serious legal trouble. Read More »

Three legal steps to take when baby comes

Even though Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel’s baby will be born into vast wealth and celebrity, they still have one thing in common with married parents in our neck of the woods. Read More »

Three tips for smart phone safety

With families’ busy schedules today, it’s often easier for everyone when the kids, like the parents, have a cell phone. Read More »

Co-Parenting: Little Eyes Are Watching

Breaking up is hard. Breaking up with someone you had children with is impossible—especially when the children are still at home. Read More »